#SAVMP, what should you be doing?

A couple of reminders for this initial month…

  • Make regular contact with your mentor/mentee’s…vox, tweet, email…whatever you’d like! Develop relationships that will allow for transparency of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Write & reflect towards the monthly prompt. Prompts will be posted the first week of the month. You have the entire month to respond.
  • Connect on twitter, sharing the posts, using the #SAVMP hashtag.


Not an “official” member? Write & connect anyway! We welcome as many voices in the conversation as we can get!



1 Comment on #SAVMP, what should you be doing?

  1. miboebo
    November 20, 2014 at 4:02 am (10 years ago)

    What a great idea! I am sorry I missed the application for this! I am going to watch for the next time you are taking applications, follow your blog, and contribute. Thanks for the offer to contribute!


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